Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Teachers Tenure

Once a teacher achieves tenure they can only be dismissed for actions that directly effect their performance. Incompetence and willful misconduct are the two main ones. A teacher who can no longer effectively teach should, in my opinion, look for a change in careers. The book supports this opinion on page 21 but does say that anyone fired deserves a right to due process. Willful misconduct also constitutes a reason for termination of a tenured teacher. Thus a teacher who has sexual relations with a minor or even a former student who has graduated recently (Pg. 123) can be terminated. The third reason a tenured teacher might be fired is immorality, but schools should weigh wether or not said "morality" effects the teachers performance? Because what constitutes morality is always changing this could be harder for the school to justify. Many states that hold that homosexuality is immoral can not use this for grounds for termination because the Supreme Court has recognized homosexuals as a protected class under the Fourteenth Amendment (Pg. 122). My favorite term from the book is "one touching" (Pg. 16). It refers to "something of a substantial nature directly affecting the rights and interests of the public, the performance of her duties, showing that he is not a fit or proper person to hold the office." For me this sums up the ability of a school to fire a tenure teacher very nicely. 

Parental Rights in Education

This is a very interest case and many teachers will have to deal with similar parents at least once in their career. Amy Rowley's parents simply wanted what any other caring parents want, the best for their child. Sometimes, though it is beyond the scope of the school to offer services to a student that are unnecessary. There is a point when FAPE is covered and a point at which the school has a right to decline a request as long as it is giving the student appropriate treatment. I also like that the court went on to say "We do not attempt today to establish any one test for determining the adequacy of educational benefits conferred upon all children covered by the Act. Because in this case we are presented with a handicapped child who is receiving substantial specialized instruction and related services, and who is performing above average in the regular classrooms of a public school system, we confine our analysis to this situation. (458 US 176 at 202; emphasis added.)" Basically stating that each student should be analyzed on their own abilities and disabilities. The court went on to say that as far as FAPE goes as long as the instruction meets the State's educational standards and approximate grade level requirements it satisfies FAPE requirements.

Separation of Church and State

I think that It is interesting to note the evolution and outcomes of the landmark cases that are the pinnacles of both the establishment clauses and free exercise. In Wisconsin vs. Yoder the free exercise clause is still hotly discussed. Recently in a seminar held at the Supreme Court, Shawn Francis Peters who is a scholar and wrote a book about the case noted that the original complaint was from the school who noticed that many Amish students where no longer attending. His primary concern was not for the students but for the $20,000 in lost revenue. I think that weighing this against the parents right to keep there students from GYM class and the locker room is really a waist of court time. Despite this I agree that every student should be given an education so that they can make religious choices for them selves. Wisconsin v. Yoder makes it a priority for students protection and right to education regardless of the facts of the case. I agree with Justice William O. Douglas who wrote for the dissenting judges in the case that "the court failed to take into account the rights of the Amish children, and that their views about whether they wished to attend high school deserved consideration." I feel that the Amish had every right to keep their children from attending public school for the reasons involved in this case but I also think that every student deserves the best education possible. The establishment clause rightfully limits what involvement government has in regulating religion and at the same time separates religion from having a place in government. The best interest of the student is at the heart of both cases. When can a student make their own choices? The compelling state interest should always be towards making better citizens and an educated citizen is a better citizen. Although the outcome is a little more sever a 1999 law was passed in Oregon that allows the state to force a child to undergo medical (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Followers_of_Christ) even if it is against the parents religion. I know this is a little bit of a stretch but children who don't receive an education are disadvantaged. Interestingly enough the original children from the Yoder case had been attending school sponsored by their church and I would fully support parents who choose to teach their own children.

Teachers Dress

    • Once again it comes down to effective teaching. Who in the end decides what makes an effective teacher? Ultimately it is the administrations job to determine if a teacher is effective and using due process to make sure every teacher is effective. If a chosen curriculum or dress code policy is dismissed and ineffective pedagogy persists it is totally within the rights of a principle to terminate a teacher as long as they are given due process. The dress code and participation may not be as obvious a factor in the quality of a teacher but if there is an established code, the teacher must respect it. As for the participation in organizations outside of school it is a right for the teacher but also a right for students not to be subject to disruption due to such an association. (Chapter 4 page 60)
    • In the end, what ever happens due process must always be observed.

Teachers Rights

  • After reading the summary of the Pickering case I feel I now have a better understanding of teachers role in society. When it comes to day to day teaching, we have a responsibility to teach our students the subject at hand and not to promote our own agenda, but when it comes to our role as citizens we have the same responsibilities and freedoms as every other citizen. We have a right to make criticism where due. In Lusk v. Estes the court found that "It can no longer be seriously asserted that teachers have no right to criticize their employers." Importantly it should also be noted that all criticism must be factual. "The Court holds that truthful statements by a school teacher critical of the school board are within the ambit of the First Amendment." The Anderson v. Evans case illustrates the point that once personal opinion effects the ability of a teacher to do their job then it is perfectly within the right of the administrators to terminate the contract after using due process. The concerns of the students and effectively teaching them are of the the first priority and I believe that in all three cases the best interests of the students where, in the end, upheld.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Educational Philosophy

I think that Aristotle has a very good point, how you as a teacher approach education depend heavily on several factors. How you view the youth you are working with. Whether it be, future workers or individuals who deserve to find their own place in the world. How empowered you are by your district to teach in the style you think best. Also what your students bring to the classroom will greatly affect the style in which you teach.

According to the survey I took, I lean heavily towards existentialism. I scored seven points in this category despite wavering on several of the key questions. After reading the description of existentialism I believe that I do tend to follow many of the main strains of thought. In a free democracy humans should be exposed to the kind of material that allows them to think for them selves and make their own path in life. Equality of opportunity is also a guiding principle of democracy and as such I have always felt that education is the primary tool for this. This is kind of where I stray from existentialism and fall close to progressivism. I believe whole-heartedly that “Education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform” (Dewey, 1897). As educators we are responsible not only for our students in the “hear and now”, but also in their futures and the future of humanity. I know that these are lofty ideals but even more today each student needs to be taught about how they fit into the world around them. In that way we not only teach students to make decisions for them selves but also to figure out the best path for humanity.

One of the main points of existentialism that I disagree with strongly is the mention of math and science being cold and dry. Without creative thinkers in these fields such as Darwin and Da Vinci, we would not have some of the amazing discoveries that they have given to humanity. I just think you need to present these subjects with a more constructivist approach. For instance

I would like to set up my future math class as a more exploratory science. Helping students rediscover pi on their own or exploiting the strength of triangles to build better bridges.
I would also like to borrow from the reconstruction philosophy in encouraging students to get involved with shaping what they are learning and the general focus of education. By making connections between what they are going through in their own lives to what is happening around them in the world they should be better prepared to find the place in society that they can contribute the most. I also think that students learn better when they make connections between what they are learning, their interests and the goals they have for themselves.

In short I have always believed that the primary function of our schools is to teach students how to learn. Only when they can find their way on their own can a student reach their full potential.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Literacy Biography

Josh Hill
Literacy Theory and Practice
Due 2/21/2011

My Reading Autobiography

My reading life comes like life, in waves. I don’t really remember the first books I read, except maybe Dr. Seuss and Richard Scarry. I know that my mom would always take us to the Book Mobile, which was a bus that took books to the rural areas of Lane County. One of her best friends was the driver and a librarian so we always had books in the house. Most of my younger days we did not have a TV, so most of my days where spent outside. I vaguely remember reading in my bed late at night with a flashlight. I don’t remember what I was reading at the time but I must have enjoyed it because I wouldn’t go to bed with out trying to sneak a few pages.

As an adolescent I was into several different genres including Tolkien and choose your own adventures. I vaguely remember the hardy boys but no specifics. My parents split up between the sixth and seventh grade and I moved in with my mother for two years. I am sure I did most of my reading at that time because I didn’t have to many friends and we still where not allowed to watch to much TV. During high school I moved back in with my dad. I didn’t do much reading then because I had to many other things going on. I also had free reign of a TV and spent a lot of time in front of it. I know that most kids are supposed to read some of the classics in high school but I don’t think we read much. I didn’t read Animal Farm until my early thirties. I may have started Lord of the Flies but I don’t think I ever finished it. I think we read mostly excerpts and shorts. I think I read a few Poe, Poems. The Tell Tale Heart is still one of my favorites. I do remember seeing the movie, All Quite on the Western Front and I thing we may have read part of it. I really enjoyed the movie but I don’t remember the reading. I also read Jane Eyre at some point and really enjoyed it. I tried some other similar novels such as Pride and Prejudice but they didn’t get me like Charlotte Bronte.

My first year of college at Lane Community College and didn’t read too many novels. There I took several acting classes and read a few scripts. This was a great experience. I really enjoyed Neil Simon and learned several scenes from the Odd Couple. I also took a great Literature class where we read short pieces of great literature and discussed the imagery and hidden meanings of many great poems and novels. I enjoyed deciphering these pieces and although I don’t remember what we read I can still identify many commonly used metaphors.

The next year I transferred to OSU and because of my previous experience in a literature class I took a poetry class. I was sadly disappointed because all we had to read the pieces and take test that proved that I had read them. One time I even asked the professor about how winter was used as a metaphor for the end of life, and he told me sure that was true but that we didn’t have to know that because it wouldn’t be on the test. I didn’t take any more lit classes after that but it didn’t totally ruin me on reading. I didn’t read much more through the next four years except for text-books.

The summer after I graduated I moved to Salem and lived with my grand mother. I didn’t have too many friends and she has a great library. I spent most of the summer going through the complete Sherlock Homes catalogue that she has in a two-book box set. It is beautiful and she has promised it to me when she dies. It will be one of my most cherished objects for obvious reasons. Over the next couple of years I became more social and read less. A friend whom I thought was such a bohemian eventually turned me on to Jack Kerouac. I read everything he wrote that I could get my hands on. Kerouac really made me want to travel and see more of the country. I also found the book bin and started buying more books.

I read the first in the Gunslinger series by Stephen King and really enjoyed it. I continued to read the rest of them but was a little disappointed when he ended them without much conclusion. I also got out of a relationship the complete Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Again I was disappointed when I finished the last book and Douglas Adams died. Despite this I still prefer series and like the fact that I can count on the next book to be quality. I also tried to read some of the Hillerman books but I feel that they are two repetitive.

I think that it is interesting that the only books that I have read more than once are the Lord of the Rings trilogy. They are just so immersive and I will probably read them again before I die. I have found that I really enjoy specific writers and tend to stick to them. Many people recommend writers and books to me but I tend to discount them. I have read some recommendations that I thought where terrible.

Currently I am readying Neil Stephenson and am starting to get a sense of what I like in a book. Quality writing, with interesting characters, that are not always set in the same places. I think that most of them involve journeys of some kind that appeal to my adventurous side. I am also currently interested in math related themes. I think this because I want to teach math and am excited about the future.

Reflection on Changing Literacy

Josh Hill
Literacy Theory and Practice
Due 2/18/2011

I think it is great that these students are finding new sources of good reading. What ever helps them learn to communicate more effectively as people is good in my book. Literacy to me means that, everyone can communicate effectively to each other. I always hated teachers that looked down on alternative forms of communication. I know that TV is not higher order thinking but some very great writers have written scripts for some of these pieces of entertainment. If using some of these forms of entertainment, we can get students interested in alternative forms of communication they will be better citizens in the future. I was astounded at the amount of writing that is out their on the Internet and I am happy that everyone can have a voice. It would be a great replacement for more passive entertainment.

I would encourage every student to keep a blog and to read and interact with others through this media. Not only can it show how a student is developing but keep them involved in the community around them. If they can ad to their student folio of ideas they will have more success in life. By increasing their self-awareness and communication skills at the same time I believe they will be better able to handle the world ahead of them. I thought the part in this article about making customized test for online learning was interesting. I only wonder about getting context when only the facts are stripped out of the rest of the content.

I read an article recently in Wired Magazine that said that reading online makes it harder to learn because of all the minutia of decisions that have to be made while reading through hypertext, but I wonder if the brain will eventually develop the ability to better process this type of information. I have already developed a good cense of banner blindness while reading on the web. Wide spread literacy is fairly recent and we have evolved to be able to read printed text so why not multi-media. I believe that we are early in this new media revolution and that it will affect mankind in a way similar to the industrial revolution of the 1800s.