Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Data Analyzing Assignment

This chart shows students from the class that improved the least from test 6 to the last test of the year.

Here is a link to the Student Growth data sheet, and the Average in this case is average for the entire class.

As you can see they all improved over all, just at different rates. and only a few of their scores decreased before going on to the last test.

If you compare that graph to the one below, you will notice only Kristi, Jason, Queen and Walter had average scores below the class average. (This links to Average Test Scores data sheet)

This shows me that, for the most part the students who start out with lower scores tend to improve more rapidly.

If you look at this data sheet for the last 5 tests, you will notice that some of the students with the highest scores show the least amount of improvement.

Link to data sheet.

This brings up two questions; first is the teacher spending to much time with the students who have lower test scores? and second should the teacher be worried about the students who are showing less than average improvement?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful presentation and analyzing.
    Regarding your 2 questions -> it might depend if those students 'below the class average' were 'meeting expectations based on State/District standards'. If the answer is 'no' --- ???


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